At Aircraft Accessories of Oklahoma, we offer the following Aircraft Propeller Governors services and parts:

  • Overhaul
  • Repair
  • Exchange
  • Bench Test
  • New Prop Governors
  • Mounting Gaskets
  • Flyweights
  • Overhaul & Exchange of Prop Governor Solenoids: Reset Solenoid / Feathering Solenoid / Lock Pitch Solenoid
  • Prop Governor Accumulators:
    – Woodward – Overhaul & Exchange
    – McCauley – Overhaul & Exchange
    – Beechcraft – Exchange Only
  • Feathering Pumps:
    – Pesco – Overhaul & Repair

Aircraft Accessories of Oklahoma handles Aircraft Propeller Governors from the following manufacturers:

  • Beechcraft
  • Garwin
  • Hamilton Standard
  • Hartzell
  • McCauley
  • Woodward

What is an Aircraft Prop Governor?

A propeller governor is a variable speed and variable control oil pump that adjusts the angle of aircraft propeller blades. As the angles of the propeller blades are adjusted, the engine RPM increases or decreases based on the air resistance against the blades. The airplane prop governor works by changing the engine oil pressure, which pushes against the blades, adjusting their angle. There are two types of aircraft governors: those that increase blade angles and those that decrease them.

Key Components


The prop governor solenoid checks the operation of the overspeed while the aircraft is on the ground. Feathering solenoids automatically feather the prop. Lock Pitch solenoids lock the pitch of the prop.


An unfeathering accumulator is a safety device that unfeathers the prop if your engine stalls. This unfeathering allows the pilot to restart the engine.

Aircraft Feathering Pumps

Some aircraft are equipped with a basic feathering system in which a feathering pump is used to adjust the propeller angle. The pilot can manually control the feathering pump by either pressing a button, moving the control lever, or pulling the engine emergency shutdown handle, depending on the type of aircraft.

Aircraft Prop Governor Services

Wondering what to expect when you trust Aircraft Accessories with your next prop governor project? Our talented team of prop governor specialists will gladly provide you with a custom quote on request. For general questions, or to request a free quote, call or message us today.


On exchange overspeed governors, please let us know if your governor has a speed pickup. Right above the name plate you should see either a plug or a speed pickup.

Turbo Prop

Our facility is the only one in Oklahoma to offer Turbo Prop Governors.

We provide governor repair on the following Turbine Engines:

  • Allison 250
  • PT6 A-
  • PT6
  • TPE331

Have Additional Questions on the Prop Governor Overhaul Process?

Give us a call or email today – our experienced team is ready to go above and beyond to get you back in the air sooner.
Danny Sitzman – Prop Governor Foreman